In the plant & insect world, TERPENES Play a KEY ROLE as scent defenses, scent attractions, scent repellents. Plants use aroma scent molecules to keep pests away from their precious flowers, to protect from fungus, ward off bacteria & safe-guard from mold. Terpenes are powerful. Scent is powerful! Scientists have documented BODY AFFECTS that come from cells interacting with Natures Natural Terpene Molecules.
From Personal Experience: I can share, when I inhale beta-caryophyllene terpenes- I feel more centered, more grounded. When I smell lilac flowers in bloom on the bushes in Spring, I feel more Invigorated , more energetic!
Carry Terpenes in your Pocket with TreesTerps!
Those Fresh Pine Scent Molecules Are “Pinene” Terpenes. Fact: Pinene Is Good For Brain Function And Cognition! All The Terpenes From Nature Affect Our Bodies In Positive, Fascinating Ways! For Example: Our SUNSHINE Products Reducing Anxiety. Tested By Our SunnyAmbassador. Terpenes Can Boost Creativity, Bring Increased Calm, Can Boost Pain Tolerance & Increase Brain Function. Certain Terpenes Suppress Appetite! All Terpenes Add A Bit Of “Interesting” To Your Day! -TreesTerps Is Interesting Because It Is Truly Fabulous! -Interesting Because It Is Different!!! -Scent Therapy Is Interesting And Helpful.-Carry Terpenes In Your Pocket -Very Interesting! Checkout The Knowledge Center For Scientific Research On How Terpenes BENEFIT Our Human Body.
This Will Release Fresh Beta-Caryophyllene Terpenes. Smell That Deep, Rich Scent And Notice The Calming, Grounding Affect on your perspective. Did It Release A Little Bit Of Tension For You? It Does For Me. This Well Studied Terpene Has Been Discovered To Engage The Bodies Endo-Cannabinoid System. This System Regulates Our Mood, Appetite, And Pain Perception.
Beta-Caryophyllene Alone Initiates Engagement Of The CB1/CB2 Receptor In This System. The Human Body Is Dynamic, AMAZING And Reliant On Plant Life. Nature Ministers To Us. If You Can…GO OUTSIDE! Get Into Nature. Lay In The Sunshine. …And Put TreesTerps In Your Pocket And Purse And Car Console. We Have 20 Interesting Varieties.
Carry Terpenes in your Pocket with TreesTerps!
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