source: National Institute of Health

Beta-Caryophyllene is a chemical compound in the terpene family. Terpenes are common compounds found in plants that are responsible for distinct aromas and flavors in your favorite essential oils. Each one also produces specific health benefits. Chemical building blocks called isoprenes make up terpenes, and bicyclic sesquiterpenes, like this one, have three isoprene building block units. 

We have Beta-Caryophyllene to thank for the spicy, peppery taste of black pepper and the woodsy smell of plants and oils like clove oil, copaifera oil, basil, hops, oregano, lavender, rosemary, and true cinnamon.

“Beta-Caryophyllene has a large chemical structure, which makes it a unique sesquiterpene. It’s reported as the only phytocannabinoid found outside the cannabis genus. This means it emulates the effects of a cannabinoid.

The terpene emits a sweet, spicy, and woody aroma with hints of clove. The terpene isolate can be naturally sourced from basil (Ocimum basilicum), oregano (Origanum vulgare), hops (Humulus lupulus), cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), black pepper (Piper nigrum), and black caraway (Nigella sativa). The flavor profile follows suit with its aroma and offers a dry, spicy, and peppery taste with hints of citrus.

When you ingest the Beta-Caryophyllene isolate, you will experience an uplifting, soothing-focus. Those looking for a way to relieve overload or enjoy the evening after a long day at work may find this terpene satisfying. The terpene was the first to be known as the “dietary cannabinoid.”

Did you know Beta-Caryophyllene has been used as a flavoring agent since the 1930s? As an essential oil made by a specific collection of plants already mentioned, this terpene can be used to enhance the scent or flavor of beverages, food, perfumes, incense, cosmetic products, and more. When you are considering the use for your own consumption, you can take the terpene on its own or add a few drops it to any of your favorite drinks, foods, edibles, topicals, and more.”- according to

This terpene has been used for centuries for its pain-relieving and antimicrobial properties.

In summary here are powerful facts about Beta-Caryophyllene:

  1. Beta-caryophyllene is a terpene with pleasant, alluring spicy, woodsy smells. 
  1. It’s found in black pepper, clove oil, basil, hops, rosemary, and cinnamon. 
  1. This terpene is a powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antibacterial.  
  1. Beta caryophyllene may improve your mood and possibly help prevent osteoporosis as well. 
  1. Some research indicates that caryophyllene may protect against certain neurodegenerative diseases and cancers. 
  1. On top of its pain-relieving properties, studies have shown that beta-caryophyllene may even extend lifespan! 

It’s found in black pepper, clove oil, basil, hops, rosemary, and cinnamon. 

Understanding HOW these Health Benefits Work for the Body:  

#1: The Endo-cannabinoid system helps regulate various physiological and mental functions in our body. Two main cannabinoid receptors make this happen- CB1 and CB2 receptors are all over our body

Doctors say Beta-caryophyllene acts as a dietary cannabinoid because *IT BINDS TO* CB2 receptors to help provide therapeutic benefits for conditions like inflammation, pain, and osteoporosis (2). 

This terpene is a powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antibacterial.

Beta-Caryophyllene Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties 

Scientists found beta-caryophyllene reduced inflammation in the brain and reduced chemicals that cause oxidative stress associated with inflammation (3). These anti-inflammatory properties may also help protect the brain from swelling and inflammation during a stroke to improve stroke outcomes.  

Beta-Caryophyllene May Improve Your Moods 

Think happy thoughts… with some help from beta-caryophyllene!  

That’s what the research suggests, anyway. In one study, mice treated with 50mg/kg of the terpene showed decreased numbers on tests measuring anxiety, depression, and compulsive activity. Harnessing this power for humankind offers exciting possibilities for natural alternatives to potentially addictive anxiolytics and antidepressants. 

Beta-Caryophyllene May Help Prevent Osteoporosis 

We’ve heard often enough about getting calcium and vitamin D to prevent diseases like osteoporosis that weaken the bones. But studies suggest β-caryophyllene may work as a therapeutic agent for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The theory is that it accomplished that by increasing the building (mineralization) of stronger bones while decreasing their breakdown (adipogenesis and osteoclastogenesis) (8). 

Beta-Caryophyllene May Protect Against Diseases like Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Multiple Sclerosis 

Cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Multiple Sclerosis are some of the most confusing, frustrating, and heartbreaking conditions to suffer from. 

However, studies suggest beta-Caryophyllene reduces inflammation associated with multiple sclerosis and immune system dysfunctions (9). It also shows potent anti-cancer properties, slowing cancer cell growth (10). Beta-Caryophyllene reduces the inflammatory and plaque buildup associated with the PPAR pathway in Alzheimer’s disease (11) 

Beta-Caryophyllene May Relieve Pain 

Look out, chronic pain!  

Studies show this terpene may help provide reduce pain relating to the nervous system (12). Plus, beta-caryophyllene helps provide topical pain relief in creams and ointments because it acts as a local anesthetic (13) 

Plus, here’s some good news for those worried about opioid addiction. Beta caryophyllene may help relieve pain by releasing the same endorphins morphine does (14). This enhances the effects of morphine, potentially allowing for treatments using lower doses of the opioid. 

Beta-Caryophyllene Could Extend Your Lifespan 

How’s that for a final health benefit?  

Scientists tested Beta-Caryophyllene on a mouse model system made of worms and saw it increased the worms’ lifespans by over 22% (15). The study suggests this terp reduces free radical levels, maintains cellular homeostasis, modulates feeding behavior, and regulates body size effectively to increase longevity. 

Potential Beta-Caryophyllene Side Effects 

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers Beta-Caryophyllene safe for consumption, even at high doses (16). Like many natural compounds, it may be a mild skin irritant if used improperly or for those who are allergic or have sensitive skin. Follow the instructions and you’re good to go. 

The Future of Beta-Caryophyllene Benefits is Bright 

Beta-caryophyllene has an impressive list of benefits, from relieving pain and reducing inflammation, to keeping our minds thinking clearly and possibly extending our life span!! That is why Beta-Caryophyllene is proudly “baked into” MANY of our TreesTerps products!!

Click HERE to Check out TreesTerps with Beta-Caryophyllene TODAY!

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